Diabetic Retinopathy
(Diabeteic Eye Disease)What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
During an eye exam, your eye doctor is able to see the smallest capillaries (blood vessels) which are in the retina of the eye. This is the only part of the body where these tiny capillaries can be visualized without cutting into the body. The health of these blood vessels in your retina gives a very strong indicator for the health of the rest of your body. This is one reason your primary care doctor also recommends an annual eye exam. Diabetic retinopathy is when diabetes affects the eyes. The risk of developing diabetic retinopathy increases the longer you have had diabetes and increases if your diabetes is uncontrolled. Diabetic retinopathy ranges from mild changes in the shape of the blood vessels of the eye to severe bleeding, scar tissue formation, and vision loss. If you have diabetic retinopathy in your eyes, then there is a good chance there are similar blood vessels changes occurring in the rest of your body. If you have diabetes it is best to get your eyes checked with a dilated comprehensive eye exam yearly to monitor and manage any changes caused by diabetes. At Azar Eye Clinic, we will notify your primary care physician (PCP) of any problems we see and we will work to keep your PCP informed regarding your eye health.