Dry Eye
What is Dry Eye?
Your body produces tears to keep your eyes comfortable throughout the day. Dry eye occurs when our tear layer is disrupted and can cause symptoms of irritation, burning, blur, gritty feeling, and watery eyes. The single most common symptom of dry eyes is watering eyes! Other symptoms include intermittently (on and off) blurred vision, eye burning, eye stinging, eye heaviness, and eye fatigue. Dry eyes is often worse at the end of the day but can present at anytime, especially when reading or working on the computer for extended periods of time. Dry eyes is one of the most common reasons for eye doctor visits and it is estimated over 4 million people in the U.S. suffer from dry eyes. There are multiple causes for dry eye such as environmental and medication or anatomical.
Azar Eye Clinic in Lafayette, LA is a dry eye center of excellence. Our doctors are fully equipped to assess and treat your dry eye symptoms so you can have all day, comfortable vision.